Sunday, May 17, 2015

Why I have decided to give up leggings

Leggings are worn to the movies, icre cream dates, the mall, grocery store, school the list could go on and on. Why you ask, well because many women have incorporated leggings into their daily pants wearing. I know you've all heard the saying leggings aren't pants. I am not here to bash that saying because I used to be one of those girls. Leggings in my book were everything.

 I need to make a quick errand to Target "where are my leggings"? or to the gas station. I had no problem with throwing them on. I'll admit they're really comfy and require no outfit planning, but growing into the young woman that I am becoming the only time leggings should be worn is if you're staying in the house. As a young woman who is getting ready to graduate from college soon that is not appropriate work attire. I never want myself to get in the habit of comfortable clothing. Clothes should be comfortable, but not so that it makes you comfortable in other areas of life. 

Another reason I have decided to give up leggings is because well, I do not have the biggest bum. I'm not totally flat lol, but I need some help back there. Nothing lifts my butt better than some jeans. Jeans fit and hug the curves I do have in such a nice way. I could never get that from leggings. As many of you might know when you wear leggings for so long they start to stretch. Which means they don't cling that well anymore. Plus I like to dress up which made me think to myself "Do I consider leggings to be dressy"? NO. I do not care even if they have a pattern. Again not bashing anyone who does wear leggings this is my reason I stopped wearing them.